China's threat to Irish dairy exports
Colm McCarthy
Individual member states cannot do solo trade deals with distant countries but must negotiate as a bloc.
21 August 2024 News
Farmers ‘shouldn’t panic’ about the EU-Mercosur deal
Former EU agri trade official is among the speakers lined up for the ASA’s 2024 conference in Kilkenny.
Labour silent on UK farm budget
Farm Minister Daniel Zeichner gave some insight into Labour’s plans for farm schemes when he said the new government “will not be over-turning the applecart”.
Martin Kenny returns to Sinn Féin farm role
The Sligo/Leitrim TD was previously Agriculture Spokesperson from 2016-2019, and is currently a member of the Oireachtas Agriculture Committee.
24 July 2024 News
New trade deal with EU celebrated in New Zealand embassy
New Zealand trade deal with the EU will ease access to the EU market for New Zealand agri-food exports.
31 May 2024 News
New Zealand trade deal comes into effect
Increased access for New Zealand dairy, beef and sheepmeat to EU markets kicks in, but at much lower levels than in its deal with the UK.
3 May 2024 News