Oilseed rape yields are mixed across the country so far. The run of yields looks to be between 1.2t and 1.8t/ac, but there are crops hitting 2t/ac and over in places. Farmers seem generally happy with the crop, which declined in area by about 6,000ha this year, partly due to a delayed cereal harvest and wet weather conditions last August and September for planting.
Winter oats were described by agronomists this year as the crop of the season and this certainly looks to be coming through on yields.
Oat yields are ranging from 3.5t to 4t/ac. Many tillage farmers chopped their oaten straw, but 4X4 bales of oaten straw are reported to be making €25/bale.
Winter barley is now wrapped up and reports are unchanged from last week, with yields ranging from under 2t/ac to just over 4t/ac, with a large amount of crops in around the 3t/ac mark. Winter wheat is next on the list when weather allows. An odd early-sown spring barley crop has been cut, with reportedly good yields.
Meanwhile, grain prices showed no signs of improvement over the past week. French, UK and US wheat prices dropped last week before recovering by Tuesday of this week.