Some 1,829 applications for the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS) were received before the 10th tranche deadline on 8 June this year.

The administrative checking of these applications is well under way for these applications and the first approvals will issue shortly.

Payment claims have been submitted and paid to over 4,428 participants to date under the scheme. In value terms, this has resulted in €62.5m paid to farmers.

Approvals will continue to issue and payment claims submitted paid on an ongoing basis during 2018.

Dairy projects featured high on the list of top investments, with feeding units and milk storage in the top five. Sheep fencing and slurry tanks also make an appearance as a popular investment.

Top 10 most-popular investment items (by number of applications) across all TAMS II measures

1. Milk storage and cooling - internal bulk tank volume.

2. Sheep fencing - sheep mesh with one strand of wire.

3. Mass concrete tank - square or rectangular tank.

4. Mobile slurry tank with attachment - slurry tanker size.

5. Milking machine - cluster units (new machine or extension).

6. Automatic slurry scrapers - number scraped passages, scraper with existing drive.

7. In-parlour meal feeding system - individual cow meal feeders, with augers.

8. Animal housing - roofed area.

9. In-parlour meal feeding system - batch / multi-place meal feeders, without augers.

10. Retrofit dribble bar to existing tanker - retrofit dribble bar.

Over 9,800 farmers have a TAMS II approval for which they have not yet submitted a payment claim. Approvals since tranche six are being issued for six months for mobile equipment and 12 months for fixed investments.

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Young farmers drive TAMS II investment charge

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