Since COVID-19 restrictions changed the way we go about our everyday lives, shows, events and gatherings within the machinery industry – no more than any other sector – have become more or less none existent.

Last week, Pöttinger Ireland bucked this trend, but in a very professional manner. On Thursday 17 September, the subsidiary company held a demonstration day with its full range of machines in action in south Wexford.

The event marked the Irish debut for products such as the HIT 16.18T tedder which has 16 rotors across its 17m working width and one of the first film-on-film binding Impress 125FC Pro combi baler/wrapper units to roll out of the factory. Meanwhile, other novel products such as the twin-rotor mounted rake with a 5.9m working width and the massive Terradisc 10001T disc harrow, which boosts a 10m working width, caught the eye of many enthusiasts.

The machine, which Pöttinger claim is the largest disc harrow in Ireland, offers a working depth between 5cm and 15cm and can work at speeds of up to 18km/h.

A good attendance with strict social distancing rules and contract tracing ensured the event was a success. The day featured a huge selection of machines covering almost the entire Pöttinger product portfolio spread throughout a 70ac field. Check out the video above or this week’s paper for more.