Sommet Elevage is one of the largest agricultural shows in the world, attracting large numbers of international visitors.

Livestock is the main feature of the show, with dedicated beef, dairy, sheep and equine arenas on site.

For the international visitors, a livestock display was organised to inform visitors about international and regional livestock breeds and their importance to the French agricultural sector.

In terms of beef cattle, the breeds were separated into ‘specialised beef breeds’ and ‘hardy, maternal aptitude breeds’ and a short description of each breed was given.

Specialised beef breeds


From the Charolais area surrounding Charolles, in Burgundy, in eastern France, it is the most renowned specialised beef breed in France and can be found across the world. It is used as both a pure race in France but also for cross breeding.


The second most popular breed of the specialised beef breed in France. It can be recognised by the colour of its coat. The breed comes from the Limousine region of France and is renowned for its ability to produce beef from bulls, heifers and cull cows. It has an excellently-confirmed shape and fine bones.

Blonde d’Aquitaine

Accounts for about 50,000 cows in the French herd book. The breed is known for its speed of growth, very high meat yield and great confirmation on carcases. It too is present in a wide range of countries.


Comes from Parthenay in the département of Deux-Sèvres, in western France. The breed accounts for about 48,000 cows in the French herd book .The breeders bred these cattle into a specialized beef breed. They have a very specific muscular profile stemming from its possession of a special gene for muscular mass.

Rouge de Prés

Today’s Rouge des Prés traces back to crossbreeding between the hardy, dairy-based Mancelle cattle and the early-growing, beef-based Durham. It originated from the northwest ans today accounts for 38,000 cows in the French herd book. The Rouge des Prés was long left to evolve as a dual-purpose breed, being switched exclusively to beef production in the 1980s, and so still has good milking ability. It also has a strong potential for growth in rough pastures.


Has about 3,000 cows in the French herd book. This breed was previously in decline but has regained numbers due to an integrated and dynamic selection programme. These cattle are renowned for the quality and confirmation of their carcases.

Hardy beef breeds (maternal aptitudes)


These cattle originated close to Massif Central region and are heavily exported, particularly to western Europe. Good ability to adapt to poor climate and feed conditions. Known as the ‘accordion cow’ for their versatility.


The showcase breed at this year’s Sommet Elevage, which hails from the central regions of the country. The breed is known for its red coat, large frame and its large horns. The breed is primarily used for crossbreeding.


Having nearly become extinct in France, the breed saved through biodiversity and has regained numbers due to specific breeding. The breed can be dual purpose, depending on the choice of breeders. The cow can live up to 20 years demonstrating its hardiness.

To see all the beef breeds on show at Sommet Elevage 2018, watch the video above.