Bantry Fire Brigade is in the process of battling multiple gorse fires as the open season for burning draws to a close.

A spokesperson pointed out that the Department of Agriculture has issued a condition red – extreme fire risk warning, and that lighting gorse is not advisable given the weather conditions.

Today (28 February) marks the last day of the open season for burning gorse or cutting hedges, but farmers have been strenuously advised not to light fires.

Although it may be cold, the high winds mean that there is an increased risk of wildfire.

“Burning might still be legal, but all the law in the world is no match for dry fuel and high winds,” the Irish Wildfire Network stated earlier this week.

“There is a real risk of people getting hurt when attempting burning in these conditions.”

A number of farmers and farm organisation have called on the Department to review the hedge cutting and burning period, as they feel it is restrictive.

However, a proposed pilot programme to change the period is not due to be debated by the Oireachtas Committee on Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs until 25 April, which is almost two months after the period closes.

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Weather not suitable for gorse burning – Irish Wildfire Network

Preventing and fighting forest fires