Monday evening’s sale at Elphin Mart saw a good steady trade for all butchers’ lambs and factory lambs.

Mart manager Gerry Connellan said that while sales are still small, prices were slightly improved to steady this week, driven by a steady lamb price.

At the top of the trade, heavy butchers’ lambs sold from €110 to €120/head, which was a little better than the previous week.

Gerry said that factory agents were active, but mainly for better-quality well-fleshed lambs. Demand for lighter lambs carrying less flesh was not quite as strong as it was three weeks previously.

Prices of fleshed lambs ranged mainly from €93/head to €97/head, with the best fleshed lambs selling for €105/head. The number of store lambs on offer remains very low.

Gerry said that with grass very scarce up the country, this could have an impact on the trade and is probably why farmers are not venturing out with these just yet. Some stores around 36kg to 38kg were struggling to reach €80/head.

Gerry said that there is still very good demand for cull ewes also, which is placing a firm floor under the trade.

Cull ewes sold to a top price of €125/head, while other good-quality types sold from €105 upwards.