I see Diageo is putting 12c on to the price of a pint of Guinness.

It’s a pity they didn’t make it 13c and give the extra cent to the farmer. After all, farmers are currently only getting 1c from a €5 pint.

In December, Boortmalt put a €10/t drying charge on its price, meaning €10/t will be taken from the farmer’s price. Heineken announced an increase to its pint price in November – 9c, to rise to 10c.

So, what are the farmers going to do? Diageo, Heineken, Boortmalt, whoever it may be, are claiming the charges being imposed are due to increased costs in production and supply.

There is no end to the list of hikes in costs on farms. From fertiliser to seed, plant protection, diesel and machinery costs, farmers are facing into a year of record high costs.

As far as I can see, tillage farmers, or their representatives, are very quiet on all fronts.