Farms under moisture stress have seen some much-needed rainfall arrive over the past few days, with more forecast for the coming week, with between 15 and 28mm of rainfall predicted.
However, growth rates are still poor for this time of the year at 56 kg and 50 kg DM/Ha respectively on dairy and drystock farms, meaning supplementation will still make up a major part of the diet for many farms, especially those coming out of a serious deficit.
While growth is set to improve, it’s worth noting that soil temperatures of 13-14°C aren’t going to give exceptional growth that will see large amounts of surplus being mowed out.
There are 16% of farmers with a cover/LU of less than 150 kg DM/LU, which is an improvement on last week at 26%, but shows that there is still a large cohort of farmers feeding a high volume of supplementation.
Growth rates for the next seven days are relatively positive, with mid 60s predicted for large parts of the country.
If it was a case of you having held back on fertiliser in the last few weeks owing to a lack of rainfall and poor growth, then applications should be brought back up to date to try build a safety net of grass again.
Supplementation should be held until farm cover hits around 200kg DM/lu, which should put the farm in a more stable position should growth decide to dip again.
Correction of stemmy paddocks should only be done when the farm is in a very comfortable space regarding grass supply.
Predicted growth hitting the mid-60s for much of the country.Target a farm cover >600kg DM/Ha (170kg DM/LU) on dairy farms or 12-15 days ahead on drystock farms.Maintain rotation length of 21-25 days to build grass reserves.Avoid grazing covers less than 1,200kg DM/ha as this will hit growth rates and shorten the rotation length.Bring fertiliser applications up to date to avoid nitrogen stress.Hugh Leonard – Slane, Co Meath
Our litres seem low, but with 40% of the herd being heifers and another 20% autumn calvers, I’m relatively happy with production at the minute.
Our growth is currently matching demand, and with 60 acres of first cut ground back in for grazing, we are in a comfortable position grass wise, though we should be growing 15-20kg more at the minute.
We have had a nice drop of rain over the weekend, but colder nights are holding back growth. Right now, cows are grazing the 1,200kg covers of after grass. About 10% of the platform requires some correction, though it is not seriously stemmy.
Stocking Rate (cow/ha) 3.65
Growth Rate (kg/day) 60
Average Farm Cover (kg/lu) 216
Yield (l/cow) 16.5
Fat% 4.66
Protein% 4
Milk Solids (kg/cow) 1.47
Supplement fed (kg/cow/day) 2
Jim Garry – Ballynacally, Co Clare
Growth has really taken off in the last five days. My last measure recorded a growth of 63kg DM/ha, and this measure was up 26kg on that. I had a lot of covers sitting at 600-700kg DM/ha, and these just lifted in the past week.
I had been feeding silage up until last week, with 2kg of silage and 6kg of meal fed. Silage was pulled and meal was dropped to 5kg, and with this week’s cover meal has been dropped back to 4kg now.
Grass still looks very stressed and has done so all year. I had been spreading 18-6-10 + S and I’m now going with a round of protected urea at 26 units/acre.
Stocking Rate (cow/ha) 3.14
Growth Rate (kg/day) 89
Average Farm Cover (kg/lu) 216
Yield (l/cow) 20
Fat% 4.21
Protein% 3.69
Milk Solids (kg/cow) 1.63
Supplement fed (kg/cow/day) 4
Chris Caherwood – Newtowanards, Co Down
Growth has bounced back in the last week or so, with growth going from 42kg to 54kg.
I had held off on spreading fertiliser for two weeks as it was just too dry, but I blanket spread two thirds of the farm with 30 units N/acre of 24-5-5, so I would expect growth to take another lift.
I managed to keep silage out of the diet, but had to supplement heavily with meal. With cows milking well, I will be cautious in pulling back supplement too quick. I had done a lot of pre-mowing earlier on, so sward quality is excellent, which is helping with sustaining production.
Stocking Rate (cow/ha) 2.79
Growth Rate (kg/day) 54
Average Farm Cover (kg/lu) 272
Yield (l/cow) 28.8
Fat% 3.94
Protein% 3.79
Milk Solids (kg/cow) 2.29
Supplement fed (kg/cow/day) 6
Ger McSweeney – Millstreet, Co Cork
We’ve got a nice kick in growth in the last week. Our growth had been falling week on week, dipping down to the mid 30s, but we have seen it rise this week and I would expect it to push on further now.
First cut ground is currently sitting at covers of 900-1,000kg DM/ha, so this will hopefully come back in to the rotation next week, which will ease pressure even more.
While we weren’t very dry, the moisture from recent rain has been no harm. I have been following cows with 25 units/acre of protected urea, and for the first time this year some paddocks are being topped as cows are coming out of them, though cows have been cleaning them out reasonably well.
System Suckler to weanling
Soil Type Variable
Farm cover (kg/DM/ha) 721
Growth (kg/DM/ha/day) 44
Demand (kg/DM/ha/day) 41
Willie Treacy – Hackballscross, Co Louth
We are still a little bit on the tight side grass wise, but we aren’t panicking just yet.
The autumn calving cows have been pulled from the rotation and they are between a paddock and the shed receiving some silage. If growth doesn’t improve, or if we don’t get close to 20mm of rain this week, we will be going in with silage to more stock.
I bought 32 acres of silage on the stem last week, which was pitted at the weekend to bulk up my own reserves.
While it is a little on the stemmy side, it will do a job feeding dry cows or buffer feeding. Paddocks had started to look stressed, so fertiliser application has been upped to 25-30 units/acre of protected urea.
System Suckler to beef
Soil Type Free draining
Farm cover (kg/DM/ha) 777
Growth (kg/DM/ha/day) 55
Demand (kg/DM/ha/day) 73
Stephen Frend – Newford Sucklers, Co Roscommon
Our reseed has come back in to the rotation now, so cows and calves are grazing some really nice covers of 1,300-1,400kg DM/ha on these.
The reseed really pushed on in the last two weeks. Yearling heifers have been brought home to graze it from the out farm, and over the next two weeks all stock will be coming home from this to allow it to be reseeded.
Five acres were mowed on Tuesday and baled on Wednesday, but I’m happy enough to carry a decent cover of grass since we will be upping our stocking rate.
Breeding has wrapped up since Sunday, and despite some repeats earlier on in the year I would be hopeful that it has gone well, though early repeats will affect our six week rate.
System Suckler to beef
Soil Type Variable
Farm cover (kg/DM/ha) 931
Growth (kg/DM/ha/day) 66
Demand (kg/DM/ha/day) 53
Farms under moisture stress have seen some much-needed rainfall arrive over the past few days, with more forecast for the coming week, with between 15 and 28mm of rainfall predicted.
However, growth rates are still poor for this time of the year at 56 kg and 50 kg DM/Ha respectively on dairy and drystock farms, meaning supplementation will still make up a major part of the diet for many farms, especially those coming out of a serious deficit.
While growth is set to improve, it’s worth noting that soil temperatures of 13-14°C aren’t going to give exceptional growth that will see large amounts of surplus being mowed out.
There are 16% of farmers with a cover/LU of less than 150 kg DM/LU, which is an improvement on last week at 26%, but shows that there is still a large cohort of farmers feeding a high volume of supplementation.
Growth rates for the next seven days are relatively positive, with mid 60s predicted for large parts of the country.
If it was a case of you having held back on fertiliser in the last few weeks owing to a lack of rainfall and poor growth, then applications should be brought back up to date to try build a safety net of grass again.
Supplementation should be held until farm cover hits around 200kg DM/lu, which should put the farm in a more stable position should growth decide to dip again.
Correction of stemmy paddocks should only be done when the farm is in a very comfortable space regarding grass supply.
Predicted growth hitting the mid-60s for much of the country.Target a farm cover >600kg DM/Ha (170kg DM/LU) on dairy farms or 12-15 days ahead on drystock farms.Maintain rotation length of 21-25 days to build grass reserves.Avoid grazing covers less than 1,200kg DM/ha as this will hit growth rates and shorten the rotation length.Bring fertiliser applications up to date to avoid nitrogen stress.Hugh Leonard – Slane, Co Meath
Our litres seem low, but with 40% of the herd being heifers and another 20% autumn calvers, I’m relatively happy with production at the minute.
Our growth is currently matching demand, and with 60 acres of first cut ground back in for grazing, we are in a comfortable position grass wise, though we should be growing 15-20kg more at the minute.
We have had a nice drop of rain over the weekend, but colder nights are holding back growth. Right now, cows are grazing the 1,200kg covers of after grass. About 10% of the platform requires some correction, though it is not seriously stemmy.
Stocking Rate (cow/ha) 3.65
Growth Rate (kg/day) 60
Average Farm Cover (kg/lu) 216
Yield (l/cow) 16.5
Fat% 4.66
Protein% 4
Milk Solids (kg/cow) 1.47
Supplement fed (kg/cow/day) 2
Jim Garry – Ballynacally, Co Clare
Growth has really taken off in the last five days. My last measure recorded a growth of 63kg DM/ha, and this measure was up 26kg on that. I had a lot of covers sitting at 600-700kg DM/ha, and these just lifted in the past week.
I had been feeding silage up until last week, with 2kg of silage and 6kg of meal fed. Silage was pulled and meal was dropped to 5kg, and with this week’s cover meal has been dropped back to 4kg now.
Grass still looks very stressed and has done so all year. I had been spreading 18-6-10 + S and I’m now going with a round of protected urea at 26 units/acre.
Stocking Rate (cow/ha) 3.14
Growth Rate (kg/day) 89
Average Farm Cover (kg/lu) 216
Yield (l/cow) 20
Fat% 4.21
Protein% 3.69
Milk Solids (kg/cow) 1.63
Supplement fed (kg/cow/day) 4
Chris Caherwood – Newtowanards, Co Down
Growth has bounced back in the last week or so, with growth going from 42kg to 54kg.
I had held off on spreading fertiliser for two weeks as it was just too dry, but I blanket spread two thirds of the farm with 30 units N/acre of 24-5-5, so I would expect growth to take another lift.
I managed to keep silage out of the diet, but had to supplement heavily with meal. With cows milking well, I will be cautious in pulling back supplement too quick. I had done a lot of pre-mowing earlier on, so sward quality is excellent, which is helping with sustaining production.
Stocking Rate (cow/ha) 2.79
Growth Rate (kg/day) 54
Average Farm Cover (kg/lu) 272
Yield (l/cow) 28.8
Fat% 3.94
Protein% 3.79
Milk Solids (kg/cow) 2.29
Supplement fed (kg/cow/day) 6
Ger McSweeney – Millstreet, Co Cork
We’ve got a nice kick in growth in the last week. Our growth had been falling week on week, dipping down to the mid 30s, but we have seen it rise this week and I would expect it to push on further now.
First cut ground is currently sitting at covers of 900-1,000kg DM/ha, so this will hopefully come back in to the rotation next week, which will ease pressure even more.
While we weren’t very dry, the moisture from recent rain has been no harm. I have been following cows with 25 units/acre of protected urea, and for the first time this year some paddocks are being topped as cows are coming out of them, though cows have been cleaning them out reasonably well.
System Suckler to weanling
Soil Type Variable
Farm cover (kg/DM/ha) 721
Growth (kg/DM/ha/day) 44
Demand (kg/DM/ha/day) 41
Willie Treacy – Hackballscross, Co Louth
We are still a little bit on the tight side grass wise, but we aren’t panicking just yet.
The autumn calving cows have been pulled from the rotation and they are between a paddock and the shed receiving some silage. If growth doesn’t improve, or if we don’t get close to 20mm of rain this week, we will be going in with silage to more stock.
I bought 32 acres of silage on the stem last week, which was pitted at the weekend to bulk up my own reserves.
While it is a little on the stemmy side, it will do a job feeding dry cows or buffer feeding. Paddocks had started to look stressed, so fertiliser application has been upped to 25-30 units/acre of protected urea.
System Suckler to beef
Soil Type Free draining
Farm cover (kg/DM/ha) 777
Growth (kg/DM/ha/day) 55
Demand (kg/DM/ha/day) 73
Stephen Frend – Newford Sucklers, Co Roscommon
Our reseed has come back in to the rotation now, so cows and calves are grazing some really nice covers of 1,300-1,400kg DM/ha on these.
The reseed really pushed on in the last two weeks. Yearling heifers have been brought home to graze it from the out farm, and over the next two weeks all stock will be coming home from this to allow it to be reseeded.
Five acres were mowed on Tuesday and baled on Wednesday, but I’m happy enough to carry a decent cover of grass since we will be upping our stocking rate.
Breeding has wrapped up since Sunday, and despite some repeats earlier on in the year I would be hopeful that it has gone well, though early repeats will affect our six week rate.
System Suckler to beef
Soil Type Variable
Farm cover (kg/DM/ha) 931
Growth (kg/DM/ha/day) 66
Demand (kg/DM/ha/day) 53