The EU Standing committee for Plants, Animals, Food, and Feed (SCoPAFF) has recommended a temporary maximum residue limit (MRL) for the potato sprout inhibitor chlorpropham (CIPC).

The use of the inhibitor in potato stores was banned earlier in 2020. However the problem for CIPC is that potatoes which go into store, even years after CIPC was last used, will still pick up traces of the chemical.

That means the residues on the crops may exceed allowed limits of the equivalent to 0.01 mg/kg, even if the product wasn’t used.

According to Dutch potato organisation Brancheorganisatie Akkerbouw, SCoPAFF have recommend a temporary MRL 0.4 mg/kg in ware potatoes. The exact starting date depends on further decision-making within the EU but, if approved is expected to come into effect next year.

This temporary MRL along with the cleaning protocol for potato stores will provide a suitable solution for the sector, said Brancheorganisatie.

The decision will be reviewed by the European Council and the European Parliament before approval.

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1,4Sight – a new sprouting suppressant for potatoes

Listen: potato storage strategies in a world without CPIC

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