New access to statutory dole payments for farmers and other self-employed workers who lose their business will provide security for those who do not own their land, according to ifac accountants.

Minister for Social Protection Regina Doherty announced on Monday that the Jobseekers Benefit (Self-Employed) scheme funded in the last budget would open in November to those paying Class S PRSI.

The weekly payment rate will range from €91.10 to €203, depending on the applicant’s income before becoming unemployed. The welfare office will pay an extra €87.20 to €134.70 for a dependent adult and €34 for a child.

Those who have paid PRSI for at least five years will receive payments for nine months after losing their business. Farmers with shorter contributions will receive the jobseekers benefit for six months.


While not many farmers are currently in this situation, this is “very positive news for them”, ifac chief executive John Donoghue told the Irish Farmers Journal.

“It will be more relevant in the future when we will have more farmers leasing land or in share-farming,” he added.

Most farming families currently own their land and can afford to continue farming through difficult financial conditions.

However “if a lease is not renewed or a share-farming agreement collapses, then a farmer is more likely to become unemployed”, Donoghue said.

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Jobseeker benefit for farmers from November

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