Annual forestry premiums totalling €24.2 million have been issued to forest owners for 2025.
The tax-free payments were issued to over 7,000 forest owners who applied for their payments through the Department’s Online Services website.
The grants available under the Afforestation Grant and Premium Scheme cover the cost of establishing the forest plantation and the payment of an annual forestry premium of up to €1,142 per hectare for periods of up to 20 years.
Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture with responsibility for forestry, Pippa Hackett has encouraged more farmers to apply and plant trees.
“Over 19,500 farmers are already enjoying the benefits that forestry brings to their farm enterprise,” she said.
“I would strongly encourage farmers who might be thinking about planting trees to speak to neighbours who have already done so, and to get in touch with a registered forester or a Teagasc forestry adviser.”

Forestry premiums paid by county.
Forest owners who have not submitted their online applications so far, can still apply online for their forestry premiums through the Department’s Online Services website.
This facility will remain open during the whole year, and the Department will continue to process online applications for 2025 forest premiums as they are received, with payments being issued on a weekly basis.
“The current Forestry Programme pays at the highest payment rates ever available to forest owners, and there is now an unprecedented range of planting options available: from small scale native woodlands, to agroforestry, to continuous cover forestry, among many other forest types,” Hackett added.
“There are valid afforestation licences currently available to plant more than 5,000 hectares and over 3,400 felling licences were approved in 2024, and I am confident that licensing figures will continue to improve throughout 2025.”
Read more
Improvement in land available for afforestation
2024 forestry target falls well short with just 1,573ha planted
Forestry licences report card for 2024
Annual forestry premiums totalling €24.2 million have been issued to forest owners for 2025.
The tax-free payments were issued to over 7,000 forest owners who applied for their payments through the Department’s Online Services website.
The grants available under the Afforestation Grant and Premium Scheme cover the cost of establishing the forest plantation and the payment of an annual forestry premium of up to €1,142 per hectare for periods of up to 20 years.
Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture with responsibility for forestry, Pippa Hackett has encouraged more farmers to apply and plant trees.
“Over 19,500 farmers are already enjoying the benefits that forestry brings to their farm enterprise,” she said.
“I would strongly encourage farmers who might be thinking about planting trees to speak to neighbours who have already done so, and to get in touch with a registered forester or a Teagasc forestry adviser.”

Forestry premiums paid by county.
Forest owners who have not submitted their online applications so far, can still apply online for their forestry premiums through the Department’s Online Services website.
This facility will remain open during the whole year, and the Department will continue to process online applications for 2025 forest premiums as they are received, with payments being issued on a weekly basis.
“The current Forestry Programme pays at the highest payment rates ever available to forest owners, and there is now an unprecedented range of planting options available: from small scale native woodlands, to agroforestry, to continuous cover forestry, among many other forest types,” Hackett added.
“There are valid afforestation licences currently available to plant more than 5,000 hectares and over 3,400 felling licences were approved in 2024, and I am confident that licensing figures will continue to improve throughout 2025.”
Read more
Improvement in land available for afforestation
2024 forestry target falls well short with just 1,573ha planted
Forestry licences report card for 2024