DEAR EDITOR: I am appalled at the widespread profusion of ragwort growing on public land and on roadsides - it’s very visible this month because of the strong stem and yellow flowers.

It is in schoolyards, OPW lands and all council roadsides and verges. This is breaking the law set out in the Noxious Weeds Act, because the plant is extremely toxic to horses and cattle and has a very high germination rate, which means that in 2024, there will be a lot more of it.

Farmers have been prosecuted and fined for many years if the weed is found growing on their lands. It is amazing that local authority officials and councillors have tolerated this result or extension to what is, in my opinion, the crazy ‘no-mow May’ policy. From a national point of view, is it possible that the Ministers for the Environment and Agriculture can preside over this breach of the law when both profess to have the highest standards of animal welfare? We need urgent action at all levels to remove the weed.