The Irish Farmers' Association (IFA) protest at Fianna Fáil's think-in at the Horse and Jockey Hotel in Co Tipperary is set to continue into Monday night.

IFA president Tim Cullinan said there’s still an opportunity to make a case to the European Commission in person and to address the issues and keep the derogation in place at its current level of 250kg N/ha.

Hundreds of farmers from around the country gathered in Tipperary throughout the day on Monday and will remain at the Horse and Jockey Hotel until Tuesday morning.

“Farmers are of the view that the derogation suits the Government agenda, as it reduces cow numbers by the back door. The fact the Minister relied on a Zoom call to make the case for its retention feeds that view," Cullinan said.

Delayed payments

On the delayed payments, Tim Cullinan said it’s not credible to say ANC payments couldn’t be made next week.

“The Minister has been busy telling everyone that the changes in the CAP have resulted in the payment delays. However, the ANC scheme has not changed, yet the Minister says he can’t make payments on time. It’s completely illogical," he said.

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are sacrificing farmers to stay in power. They them need to stand up for farmers and rural Ireland, Cullinan added.

Read more

Watch: farmers protest in Tipperary over nitrates derogation

Retaining derogation for 2026 a big challenge - Tánaiste