A cattle trailer which was stolen from a Roscommon farm yard in July has turned up in Charleville, Co Cork.

The owner of the trailer, who wishes to remain anonymous, said it was a pure stroke of luck that the trailer was spotted for sale on Done Deal, almost two months later.

The 12x6 Ifor Williams was stolen from his farm in Co Roscommon on 9 July.

At that time, he had CCTV footage of the yard, which showed the thieves entering at 1.40am and proceeding to cut locks on sheds.

However, they failed to unlock a shed where a quad and many tools were stored, according to the farmer.

“They even tried to rob diesel from the tank before leaving the yard 40 minutes later," he told the Irish Farmers Journal in July.

Done Deal

Nevertheless, the trailer was spotted on Done Deal in September in Co Cork, where it was seized by Gardaí and subsequently identified by its owner.

"My son's friend was scrolling through Done Deal one night and thought he recognised it. When I saw the photos, I was 90% sure it was ours, so I rang Roscommon Garda Station and they then rang Charleville Garda Station.

"We went down to identify it and I knew straight away it was mine, because I had put on a new wheel nut and it was a smaller one to the other three."