The sheep trade has been somewhat trickier in recent days, following moves by factories to pull lamb prices.

Base quotes have fallen by 10c/kg to 20c/kg and while agents remain keen for numbers, they are showing reluctance to match last week’s prices.

As a result, prices recorded in marts for lambs in recent days have eased by €2 to €5/head.

Some mart managers report that a selection of top-quality lots attracting butcher-buyer attention are withstanding the pressure better, with such types steady to €1 to €2/head easier, while lesser-quality lots are anywhere from €3 to €5 easier.

Factory base quotes are 10c/kg to 20c/kg lower week on week, which translates to a cut of €2 to €4/head on a 20kg carcase.

Base quotes

Base quotes range from €7.60/kg to €7.75/kg, leaving quality assured lamb trading from €7.80/kg to €7.90/kg without counting in any additional negotiating power.

Producer groups and sellers with greater negotiating power are trading from €7.90/kg to €8/kg, with prices at the top end of the market slightly higher.

Hoggets quotes range from a base of €7.05/kg to €7.20/kg, with the trade holding steady. Groups and regular sellers continue to secure returns ranging from €7.30/kg to €7.40/kg.

With hoggets continuing to account for in excess of 50% of the sheep kill, agents are keen to keep specialist finishers handling a significant percentage of remaining sheep on side.

Mart round-up

Kilkenny Mart auctioneer George Candler described the trade on Monday as a “good strong trade” for a larger entry of 680 sheep.

Lambs weighing from 50kg to 55kg sold in the main from €170 to €178, with prices peaking at €186 for a pen of 17 excellent-quality lambs weighing 55kg.

Lighter good-quality fleshed lambs weighing from 43kg to 45kg are reported as trading from €165 to €167, with lambs weighing back to 41kg to 43kg selling from €145 to the mid-€150s depending on condition.

Ennis Mart

There was a similar entry of about 680 head in Ennis Mart on Monday. The trade was described as being a “shade easier both for lambs and hoggets by about €3 to €5/head”.

The quality of lambs on offer has been positive and some very good-quality lambs are said to have withstood the price pressure better, with returns holding relatively steady, with top prices of €180 to €181 recorded on a few occasions.

Better-quality lambs weighing from 47kg to 49kg sold from €166 to €175/head, while a selection of well-fleshed lambs weighing from 44.5kg to 46.5kg sold from €165 to €168.

Cull ewes averaged from €1.40/kg to €1.70/kg, with the highest-priced lots rising to €1.86/kg.