Focus should be turning to 2024 breeding
Darren Carty
A challenging year has left many flocks requiring significant attention to provide the foundation for positive reproductive performance.
24 July 2024 News
Farmer Views: 'there's a future in beef if costs stay down'
Grace Hoare interviewed farmers about their outlook on the future of drystock farming and discussed any concerns they have regarding the industry.
24 July 2024 Markets
In pictures: store lambs off to a flyer in Plumbridge
The first store lamb sale of 2024 in Plumbridge Mart got off to a flyer, with a big turnout of buyers hungry for stock.
Sheep mart prices: cull ewes grabbing the headlines
Some very fancy prices have been reported this week, with heavy fleshed ewes ranging in cases from €210 to €240 and rising as high as €260 to €290 in isolated cases.
24 July 2024 Markets
Sheep trends: Lower quotes lift by 10c/kg
Opening quotes for quality assured lambs rang from €7.10/kg to €7.20/kg, with higher prices ranging from €7.30/kg to €7.40/kg.
24 July 2024 Markets
NI trends: prime cattle prices holding firm; Lamb price rebounds 20p/kg
There is a firm outlook to the beef trade across Northern Ireland this week, while an upturn in demand has boosted lamb prices.
24 July 2024 Markets
Global sheep prices: Australian prices record significant improvement
Australian prices have increased to the equivalent of upwards of €5/kg, but New Zealand farmers remain in big trouble, with farmgate returns at just €3.70/kg.
20 July 2024 Markets
Severe lamb price cuts finally halted
A couple of plants have still moved to reduce base quotes by 15c/kg to 20c/kg but its success is variable with other plants holding quotes steady.
17 July 2024 Markets
Sheep Trends: quotes vary from firm to 20c/kg lower
A number of plants have dropped their base quote below €7/kg, but there are no lambs moving below this level, with agents exhibiting a greater appetite for lambs this week.
17 July 2024 Markets
NI Trends: positive beef trade as supplies tighten; lamb trade steadies
There is more life in the beef trade across Northern Ireland, as supplies continue to tighten. The lamb trade has finally settled after downward price pressure.
17 July 2024 Markets
Tight supplies underpin NI beef trade
There is a more positive outlook for prices within the beef trade this week and improved demand in the live ring is benefiting lamb prices.
17 July 2024 Northern Ireland
Farmer views: 'Too much work in sheep for too little reward'
Grace Hoare speaks to six IFA sheep committee members to gauge their thoughts on grass growth, sheep prices, wool and other issues.
17 July 2024 News