Days of exporting unweaned calves 'on life support'
Rachel Donovan
The Netherlands is looking to fast-track new rules, which would hamper calf exports to the market.
3 July 2024 News
Dutch move poses threat to 77,000 calf exports
Calf exports will only be possible from 2026 on, if a number of criteria are met, according to sheepmeat and livestock sector manager at Bord Bia, Séamus McMenamin.
29 May 2024 News
Live exports surpass 200,000 head
Calf exports are now on a par to 2023 with over 161,000 head exported live while higher exports of stores and finished cattle are pushing exports over 6,000 head above 2023 levels.
When and how to wean dairy beef calves
Adam Woods takes a look at some of the details around weaning dairy calves off milk and making sure there is no growth setbacks in the process
15 May 2024 Grass & feeding
Martbids Database: another big week for bullock trade
Adam Woods has the latest on this week’s cattle trade, including what’s happening in the country’s marts.
1 May 2024 Markets
Camera at the Mart: strong appetite from shippers in Cahir
Shanon Kinahan was in Cahir Mart last Friday night for its weekly calf sale, which saw just over 1,100 calves go under the hammer.
24 April 2024 Markets
Calf exports back on 2023 levels
Demand from Spain is helping plug the gap in the number of calves sold to the Netherlands, according to the most figures available from Bord Bia.
24 April 2024 News
No plan to extend QA certification in light of weather
Bord Bia chair Larry Murrin said farmers can postpone an audit if circumstances permit, but declined to say there would be a blanket certification extension.
17 April 2024 News
Weather hinders calf exports
Last weeks difficult weather saw the number of calves exported fall to their lowest level since early March.
17 April 2024 News
News Podcast: challenging weather, Harris on farming and calf exports
Listen now to get the latest news on farmers coping with a surge in rainfall, what Fine Gael’s new leader has to say on farming matters and 2024 calf export trends.
29 March 2024 Podcast
Calf numbers rise as exports kick on
Calf numbers appear to be increasing at marts throughout the country at a time when they usually begin to decline. This combined with an increase in calf exports is keeping a solid floor on trade.
27 March 2024 News
Martbids Database: weather doesn’t dampen mart trade
Adam Woods takes a look at this week’s Martbids analysis table and what’s happening the cattle trade in marts this week.
27 March 2024 Markets