Safe use of pesticides for users and the environment
Martin Merrick
Pesticide usage can be damaging to both the environment and the user of the chemical, but taking precautions greatly reduces the risk to both.
15 July 2024 News
Over 38,000 registered as professional users to apply pesticides
Under the sustainable use of pesticides directive, only a Department-registered professional user can spray plant protection products that are authorised for professional use.
3 July 2024 News
NGO to take EU's glyphosate reapproval to court
PAN Europe intends on taking the Commission to court over its decision to reauthorise glyphosate for sale on EU markets for 10 years.
Drinking water exceeded pesticide limits 23 times in 2023
Some 99.62% of drinking water supplies tested remained within their chemical limits last year.
3 July 2024 News
What you need to know about grassland pesticide use
The use of pesticides is now governed by conditionality, meaning that if breaches occur it may pose a risk to CAP payments, writes Darren Carty.
16 June 2024 Nitrates
Search for crop protection details online
This is a handy tool for farmers to use when spraying, walking crops and when filling out crop records.
7 May 2024 News
Farmers urged to spray pesticides responsibly by Uisce Éireann
Farmers are urged to consider the vulnerability of their local drinking water supplies when spreading pesticides, as Uisce Éireann found 52 exceedances of pesticides in public drinking water last year.
25 April 2024 News
Off the market: products no longer in use
Check your chemical store to see if you have any products which are no longer registered in stock. Almost 100 products went off the market in 2023.
20 April 2024 Crop protection
Remember to use up these products during 2024
There are six active ingredients going off the market in 2024. Many of these are in products that are commonly used.
19 April 2024 Crop protection
Search for crop protection product details on the go
This tool will come in handy while on the tractor spraying and deciding on final rates to apply. All the information will be at your fingertips.
17 April 2024 Crop protection
Are you getting the right advice?
You should only be getting advice on pesticides from trained pesticide advisers and purchasing chemicals from registered pesticide distribution stores and pesticide distributors.
15 April 2024 Crop protection
EU goes back to the drawing board on pesticide regulation
The EU’s Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation (SUR) has been withdrawn, but it is likely to return in a revised form with more realistic targets, writes Siobhán Walsh.
14 April 2024 Crop protection