Call for safeguards to protect productive land from solar farms
Noel Bardon
Solar farms reduce the farmland available for young farmers to lease, according to the IFA's rural development chair.
28 August 2024 Viewpoints
Uplift in fat cattle prices in the UK
Prices across the water are now over 30p/kg above the same week last year at close to 500p/kg.
21 August 2024 News
Retirement scheme must be fair – IFA
A farm retirement scheme should seek to encourage people in their mid-20s into farming, as this is the group most likely to plan on pushing farms onwards, the IFA said.
Taoiseach to seek ‘radical reform’ on inheritance
Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue said the soon-to-be established commission on generational renewal will examine the possibility of a farm retirement scheme.
14 August 2024 Schemes
Stage is set for Tullow finals of FBD/IFJ/ISA stockperson finals
Adam Woods previews the finalists in the all-Ireland young stockperson competition which takes place at Tullow Show on Sunday 18 August.
14 August 2024 Pedigree
Commission for renewal needs young farmers
The idea floated by Minister McConalogue in Tullamore for a commission to examine generation renewal is a good one. But it needs teeth and it needs youth.
14 August 2024 Dealer
2024 sustainable grassland farmer award open for entries
There are prizes available in six different categories - two in enterprise and four others - and an overall winner will be selected as the ‘Sustainable Grassland Farmer of the Year’.
14 August 2024 News
Commission on generational renewal a 'step in the right direction'
The ICSA says it will be seeking to ensure that farmer representatives and “the voices of young farmers” are at the forefront of this conversation.
12 August 2024 News
Commission on generational renewal in farming proposed by Minister
Ahead of the European Commission proposals for the next CAP, the Minister believes it's an appropriate time to look at generational renewal on Irish farms.
11 August 2024 News
Young Stock Podcast: are milking robots the future?
This week, Noel Bardon discusses robotic milking and feeding systems with Lely farm management support adviser Sinead Gallagher.
29 July 2024 Podcast
Young Stock Podcast: three ag science graduates, three years on
Tommy O'Sullivan, Niamh Keane and Darragh Giblin are this week's guests on the Young Stock podcast.
22 July 2024 News
Up to 35 places available in free ICOS young farmer programme
The first in a series of information meetings on the programme will be held on 14 August in Cork.
17 July 2024 News