As 2019 comes to a close, you should take some time to reflect on the year that has just past and perhaps think forward to 2020 and how you can enhance your social, personal and professional life. We all have things that we say we are going to do in the new year, well now is the time to make them happen.

1. Book a trip to Lisdoonvarna Matchmaking Festival

Are you a single farmer sick of going to weddings and parties on your own?

Make 2020 your year and book yourself a trip to the Lisdoonvarna Matchmaking Festival which runs from August to September each year. You will be certain to find the man or woman of your dreams in west Clare.

2. Get a new radio for the tractor

Have you found yourself bored to tears while spreading slurry or drawing silage?

You need to bite the bullet and buy yourself a new radio for the tractor. You won't know yourself, we promise.

3. Find yourself a relief milker

Are you burnt out? Never spending enough time with friends or family?

Take some time off in 2020.

This is the year you need to find yourself a relief milker and take days off for holidays and relaxation.

4. Hit the January sales

The majority of farmers I know hate shopping.

But why not head to the January sales to pick up some bargains - and pick up enough so that you won't have to return for another year. Up there for thinking!

5. Sign up to the course

Is there a course you have been thinking about doing for a while?

Professional development is very important wheather it be grass measuring, AI or hoof care. Go and sign up for the 2020 course.

6. Clean out the office

One of the jobs that has been on the long finger for quite some time.

2020 is your year to be organised. Time to clear out the office and get your paper work in order. Lean farming, smart farming, whatever you want to call it, we promise life will be much easier when you do it.

7. Join an organisation or group

Organisiations like Macra na Feirme, Young Farmers Clubs of Ulster or local farming discussion groups can be great ways of meeting new people, getting out of the house and learning new skills.

Find out where your local group is and get yourself signed up for the next meeting.

8. Hang the gates and fence the gaps

Do the sheep keep escaping?

Have you found your cattle in the neighbour's field on more than one occasion in the past year?

Make 2020 your year to fix all your fences and hang all those un-hung gates.

9. Get calving cameras

Make life easier on yourself. Buy a decent set of calving cameras and you will never look back.

10. Do it now, not later

Whether it's cleaning out a shed or filling in paperwork, everything is always harder when you leave it on the long finger.

Try make a habit of doing these mandatory jobs as you go along and not the night before they have to be done.

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Single farmers in demand for Lisdoonvarna Matchmaking Festival

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