While the sheep dispersal sales taking place in recent weeks paint an unfortunate picture of sheep farmers exiting production, one upshot of these is the demand exhibited for genuine in-lamb ewes, which shows current higher levels of optimism in the sector.

Tullow Mart in Co Carlow has handled a number of these sales and has another dispersal sale of a top-quality 150-head ewe flock next Tuesday.

Ewes are lambing from 5 March and are carrying an average of 1.9 lambs per ewe.

The ewes are a mixture of mainly Suffolk-Cheviot-crosses and a percentage of Suffolk and Texel crosses from these Suffolk-Cheviot ewes.

The flock are due to lamb from 5 March onwards to Charollais and Texel rams.

Ewes have a typical age profile, with a high percentage of ewes aged from two to four years of age and a small number above this.

The age structure is typical for a flock of ewes and ranges from two years to four years in the main with a small number above that.

There is a positive lambing percentage of 1.9 lambs per ewe and late pregnancy feeding was introduced two weeks ago.

Health treatments are also up to date, with ewes receiving a clostridial disease booster vaccine (Heptavac P system) this week.

Two treatments for liver fluke have also been administered over the winter, while the flock is also on a vaccination programme for toxoplasmosis.

Phone Henry on 086-275 3575 for more information.

Additional sale

A second dispersal sale of 60 ewes lambing from 1 April to Suffolk and Charollais rams and carrying twin and triplet litters will also take place in conjunction with the normal weekly sale.

More information can be obtained by ringing mart manager Eric Driver on 059-915 1142 or 087-776 7402.