
Now is the time to sow kale if you want to winter young stock or cows on it next winter. You can plough and till the field or some farmers will spray off a silage crop before cutting, direct drill the seed into the aftermath and then plough and reseed with grass next spring when kale is finished.

Aim for a field that is dry in nature as this will ease management next winter. Kale requires extra labour during the winter months moving fences and checking stock daily. You also need good fences and a strong electric fence to make sure it is grazed properly.

It is a good idea to place a line of silage bales in the field at sowing time and then the feeder can be moved with the fence at feeding time in winter.

Animals also need access to 1ha of a lieback area in order to meet cross-compliance requirements.

Sowing rate depends on the sowing method – if sowing via broadcast method, sow 3-3.5kg/acre and if direct drilling sow at 2-2.5kg/acre.

Kale requires high fertility levels and optimum pH is 6-6.7. You will need to spread 3 bags/acre of 10:10:20 at sowing time and top dress with 2 bags CAN/acre later.

Tullamore Farm

Grass is continuing to grow well above demand on Tullamore Farm. Average farm cover has crept up to 1,004kg/DM/ha this week but will drop back when silage is taken out. Pre-grazing covers are being kept at 10cm or 1,500-1,600kg/DM/ha and surplus grass is being baled.

Anywhere silage is removed will get P and K to replace off-takes. Dairy-bred heifers were weighed last week and some are behind target. The effects of spring 2018 are still being felt but we will investigate further. Faecal samples have been taken to determine any parasite burden.

Grass samples were also taken for trace element analysis and results came back that the samples were very low in copper. Speaking to our vet and other farmers in the area, low copper seems to be an issue. These heifers will get a bolus containing copper at the next opportunity.

Any cow not seen in heat by next week will be scanned to determine any issues. So far 73/90 cows/heifers have been bred to AI with conception to first service is at 70% for the first 3 weeks of breeding.

Next week’s jobs include weighing bulls, cutting main crop silage and power washing sheds.

Health and Safety

Next weekend sees children off school and if the current good weather continues it will coincide with a busy weekend on farms.

Take care where young children are around a yard and especially if they are visitors unaware of the dangers. If silage is taking place, keep them as far away from the yard as possible.

Be sure to get sufficient rest as accidents are more likely to happen when you are tired or lose concentration.

Take some time to cut any verges back around gates coming out on to public roads to increase visibility for contractors.

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Charolais Society and ICBF lock horns on BDGP

Prolonged wilting will result in lower DMD values