As the heat wave is firmly setting in across the country, farmers are feeling the pinch of the hot weather. While many are restricted in their options to deal with the challenging conditions, some have benefitted from living close to a large water source.

Stuart and Alan Bryan of Bryan Bros contracting were called upon to spread water on grassland for a beef farmer near Fermoy Co. Cork.

Speaking to the Irish Farmers Journal Stuart Bryan explained they have gotten a number of calls requesting the irrigation service over the past few days.

The farm pictured above is located next to a lake so the water was spread using an umbilical system. Using a splash plate the water was spread at a rate of 25000-27000 gallons to the acre covering the ground twice. This is roughly the equivalent to an inch of rain falling.

“They’re doing it in Europe and the UK constantly, so I know it will work”.

Stuart explained spreading in the evening time is important for this kind of job, “We started in the evening time at around 5pm and didn’t finish until 3am or 4am." It is the first time the Bryan Bros equipment has been used to spread water on grassland for farmers. They have previous experience of irrigating race courses in times of dry weather.

Stuart believes once done properly spreading the water will help these farmers to grow extra grass. There has been keen interest according to Stuart but trying to get to everybody will be a challenge.

Stuart said: “They’re doing it in Europe and the UK constantly, so I know it will work”. Stuart believes using tankers for the same process is not feasible. There would be too much compaction and they would be too slow.

Watering grass has become a large part of recent discussions online given the lack of rain fall.

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