Exceptional weather: We have had a number of bad months in 2016 but October was not one of them. This has been an exceptional spell of dry weather, with crops still being planted into good seedbed conditions.

The good weather has also enabled most of the remaining maize and potato harvesting to be completed early and in good conditions. Much of this land can easily be drilled again when harvesting is complete.

Soil temperatures in the main tillage areas were 2°C to 4°C above average in the past week, according to Met Éireann. This could prove to be a huge advantage for crops still being planted.

Air temperatures were also above average for the past week, but this is changing and it looks like they are about to fall rapidly now. The benefit of the recent high temperatures can be seen in recent crop growth, where some crops were out of the ground in only 10 days. The warm conditions will also help those who planted catch crops this autumn.

BYDV: Aphids were on the move, but the promised fall in temperature could bring current multiplication and migration to a halt – at least temporarily. However, the previous warm weather is likely to have driven multiplication and migration, so a level of risk must be assumed.

For recently ploughed and sown crops, aphids present on stubble regrowth could well be carrying virus, and these could cause rapid infection if left untreated. If temperatures drop considerably it may slow or stop multiplication, but that may not prevent local movement and infection. This is how BYDV circles are formed.

So all crops must still be covered with some form of insecticide. Some were recently sown with Deter dressing and this should suffice. Crops sown early with Deter are now emerged for six or more weeks and a follow-up insecticide is required. A knock-down of aphids now may help keep numbers at insignificant levels for the rest of the winter. Pressure from BYDV is always higher in coastal areas.

Herbicides: Many crops have already been sprayed with herbicides and insecticide. Crops emerging now might also be sprayed while ground conditions remain good. This might still be different combinations of either Alister, Firebird, Flight, Defy, DFF, IPU, Stomp, etc. But for recently emerged crops, or those newly planted, a combination of DFF/Defy and IPU, or PDM, should suffice. If you know you will be targeting brome in wheat then use pendimethalin now if you intend to follow up with Broadway Star.

Planting: Planting is continuing in the good ground conditions. Crops are being rolled post emergence. Seeding rates must now leave more than a little for the crow and the slug – crows have become very active and action also may be needed in emerging crops. Seeds need to be well covered at this time of year to help reduce problems.