With silage season 2020 well under way, Glanbia Ireland is supporting Breast Cancer Ireland again this year with its pink bales initiative.

A donation will be made to Breast Cancer Ireland for every roll of the limited-edition pink Mastercrop Agristretch silage wrap purchased with Glanbia in store or online.

To raise awareness of breast cancer, farmers are encouraged to share photos and videos of their pink bales on social media, using the hashtag #PinkBales for the 2020 silage season.

Bale watch

‘Bale watch’ is also back, where Glanbia is encouraging farmers to place their pink wrapped silage bales in visible locations on their farm for people who are passing by to see.

Commenting on the initiative, Breast Cancer Ireland CEO Aisling Hurley said: “Now more than ever we need our farming community to once again get behind this super initiative.

“Numbers presenting with breast cancer are scarily down at the moment due to COVID-19, yet breast cancer has not gone away.

“We need the country to be flooded with lovely pink bales, as they will act as a beacon, raising awareness, because early detection of a diagnosis is key to ensuring a positive treatment,” she said.

Glanbia Ireland’s retail marketing manager Grace O’Dwyer said as a community-based organisation Glanbia is proud to support this worthy cause.