I look forward to waking up tomorrow and seeing my grandparents and the yard after my boring school week. I will go down with my brothers and my dad, scrape the slats and help with the feeding.

It’s lovely in the yard when it’s wintertime.The cattle laying down in their cosy sheds and their breath looking like smoke when they exhale. The fresh smell of silage in the feeder and the bold little calves messing with each other – they are very cute though. I feed the calves and help with the meal buckets. I clean out the slats and get the joy of stroking my fluffy, bold Herefords.

I like when it rains because it makes it easier for our scraping job. I might even get to work on some old piece of plastic using the saw in the workshop, that’s always fun.

Grandad never fails to impress me though. Every time I see him there is always something new that I learn. He is very clever and never misses a trick. My hardworking aunty Emma will always be there too. She literally never sits down and nanny Mags always makes the best food (rasher sandwiches), gives us treats and makes sure we are warm.

It’s really fun when my cousins come down to help us, because after farming, we jump on the silage bales and play tag. When it’s warm it’s the best, because it’s dry and easier to play.

Last summer we got 10 calves. They were the cutest. They were all little Hereford calves and we named them all. Joey picked Guinness, Max picked Patch and I picked Spot.

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