DEAR SIR: I’m writing in relation to the pieces written covering factory cattle prices.

For the last while, I have taken issue with the piece when they say ‘‘farmers should bargain hard when marketing cattle’’.

I believe a farmer has no bargaining power against what they rightly or wrongly perceive to be a cartel. They operate as one (albeit the Competition Authority does not believe so) to systematically exploit any situation that gives them a competitive advantage and increases profit margins.

Each year, we hear from the factory representative body Meat Industry Ireland (MII) about how they drop prices to compete on a European and world stage, but following publication of their financial reports each year, we hear about their growing margins and growing profits. Great work has been done to gain access to new markets and to increase live shipping. This should be offsetting a fractious UK market.

While I accept the euro to sterling exchange rate is somewhat volatile, I do not believe this to be in the region of 30c/kg in terms of beef value and what will be more unless something is done.

I honestly believe that farmers’ best weapon is their sheer numbers and we should all be uniting under a strong IFA, which should take note of how farmers in France/Belgium have demanded change and demonstrated in spectacular fashion.

Some years ago, we blockaded factories to demand change. The outcome was a beef roundtable PR exercise that has had no meaningful effect and at this stage should be scrapped as a shambles.

I write this as a 34-year-old beef farmer who is working full-time to maintain the livelihood that I desperately want to pass on to my child, should they wish it, as I did for so many years. However, each passing year sees increasing costs and decreasing margins.

I would be grateful if you could print this so as it might resonate with those who have the power and opportunity to make something happen. I will survive and make it work but purely because I have a steady wage outside of the farm. I can’t say that will be the same for many people this year.