The Beef Data and Genomics Programme (BDGP) will be fully funded in 2021, with the programme requirements similar to the 2020 targets.

Under the new terms and conditions of the 2021 scheme, farmers will have to continue to meet the required targets as set out in the previous BDGP scheme.

These targets will include having a genotyped four- or five-star stock bull and meeting the target of having 50% of females in the herd genotyped four- or five-star on the replacement index.

Farmers who failed to meet scheme targets in 2019/2020 will not be eligible to apply for the 2021 scheme.

Letters will issue to BDGP farmers in the coming days

It is understood that there are currently 1,100 farmers who failed to meet the scheme targets in 2020 and the Department of Agriculture is working with these herds to see if they can meet the targets for inclusion. The genotyping element will also remain the same with 60% of the reference number of females required to be genotyped in 2021.

Letters will issue to BDGP farmers in the coming days, offering them the opportunity to opt in for a further year in the scheme.

Farmers will be able to apply by replying to a text sent from the Department of Agriculture or by logging into their portal.