Bord Bia is hosting 54 chefs and 10 journalists from eight countries on a three-day visit to Ireland from 13 to 15 May to showcase Irish food and drink.

The event marks 20 years of the Chefs' Irish Beef Club (CIBC) and there will be a special focus on grass-fed beef and lamb.

The chefs are members of the CIBC, an exclusive forum of leading and Michelin-starred chefs who publicly endorse Irish beef.

“Irish beef has carved out a stellar global reputation, recently cementing its status with the granting of protected status from the EU for Irish Grass-Fed Beef (PGI)," Bord Bia chief executive Jim O’Toole said.

"The establishment of the Chefs’ Irish Beef Club 20 years ago has greatly assisted Bord Bia in building a premium image for Irish beef in key export markets thanks to the chefs’ ongoing preference and advocacy for Irish beef. We are pleased to host many of the club members this week, while also welcoming new members to this exclusive network.”

Farm visits

On 13 May, the chefs will meet Irish beef farmers producing Origin Green-verified beef, with visits to farms in Waterford, Westmeath, Kilkenny and Louth.

By hearing from the farmers themselves and seeing Irish beef production close up, the visits aim to further deepen the chefs’ understanding of the farming and breeding practices that contribute to the quality and sustainability of Irish beef and lamb.

Origin Green

The chefs will also enjoy a range of Origin Green-verified produce, including farmhouse cheese, meats, seafood, spirits and craft beer, with visits to John Stone beef, the Carlingford Oyster Company, Slane Castle Distillery and the Good Fish Company.

On Tuesday, eight new chefs will be inaugurated into the club by Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue.

Founded by Bord Bia in 2004, the CIBC currently has over 90 member chefs across Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates.