Speaking in the Dáil this Thursday, Deputy Ó Cuív said that the plan was “literally just a reheated dinner”.

According to him, most of the 270 measures announced by the Government are part of programmes already under way in various departments and State agencies.

The Galway West TD argued that of the €60m announced by the Government, only €20m to be spent on projects in 60 rural towns and villages is new, working out at €33,000 per town. “This wouldn’t put the tarmacadam in the footpath outside,” he said.

Deputy Ó Cuív criticised the Government for including €1.2bn in direct farm payments under the plan even though “it has been paid out for the past 10 years” under the CAP.

Minister of State for Rural Affairs Seán Kyne replied that the aggregation of action by various departments under the plan was intentional because “it takes a whole Government approach” to tackle big issues, as illustrated by the success of the Action Plan for Jobs. “There is no one single thing that will save rural Ireland,” he said.

Asked by Deputy Ó Cuív about important needs such as rural roads, sewerage and water connections, which are not included in the Rural Action Plan, Minister Kyne said they would be provided for separately through the roads budget and Irish Water.

He added that the Rural Affairs division of his department had seen its budget increase by 21% compared with last year. “We can work together to secure more funding,” he told Deputy Ó Cuív.

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