Private farm advisers are seeking greater co-operation with their state-funded counterparts in Teagasc ahead of the next CAP.

Inge Van Oost, a specialist in farm advisory services from the European Commission, told the Agricultural Consultants Association (ACA) AGM that advisers play a key role in delivering behavioural change among farmers.

To achieve the goals of the next CAP, ACA president Tom Canning said all farmers needed equal access to research.

The ACA is calling for a forum to be set up with Teagasc, chaired by the Department of Agriculture and underpinned by a memorandum of understanding, to ensure research reaches all farmers.

Canning said resources also had to be channelled towards a back office for private advisers.

“It makes perfect sense to ensure more Irish farmers are captured for policy initiatives and the dissemination of latest research and technologies, thus helping the majority of Irish farmers,” Canning said.