Weanlings and stores that have been eating concentrate feed over winter should have meals eased back before turn-out to grass.

Cattle that are on the well-fleshed side will lose weight once they hit grass and weight gain can stall for three to four weeks.

As such, continuing to feed 2kg to 3kg/head of concentrate on a daily basis up until turn-out offers little financial gain.

Easing back the meal will help transition cattle from an indoor diet to fresh grass, as well as providing a cost saving.


Ideally, meal would be cut from a weanling’s diet around one month before turn-out. But nobody knows what the weather or ground will be like so far ahead.

As a compromise, cut meal levels by 50% around one month before the target turn-out date. Around two weeks before target turn-out, cut meal levels by another 50% or remove from the diet altogether.

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