Hoggets continue to make up the bulk of throughput in sheep sales so far this year. Demand is very strong and prices have edged up €4 to €5/head and higher in sales. Last week, hoggets weighing 45kg to 48kg were moving at €115 to €125/hd. This week, hoggets in that weight range are more likely to sell for €120 to €130/hd. Similarly, heavy hoggets weighing 50kg plus are selling for €130 to €145/hd and in some sales where demand was particularly strong prices reached €155/hd. Lighter lots weighing 40kg to 44kg are moving at €100 to €118/hd.

Spring lamb numbers remain tight but demand is holding firm. Nicely fleshed lambs weighing 42kg to 46kg are selling for €130 to €150/hd or €88 to €104 over the weight. Lighter lambs weighing 38kg to 41kg are moving at €115 to €125/hd depending on flesh cover.

Ewes with lambs at foot are an attractive purchase for some farmers in the Sheep Welfare Scheme who need to maintain breeding ewe numbers. Ewes with a single lamb at foot are selling for €120 to €170/unit with higher prices of up to €220/unit paid for a young ewe with a strong lamb.

Ewes with two lambs at foot are moving at €170 to €230/unit with higher prices exceeding €250/unit becoming more common.

The excellent trade has not stopped at lambs and hoggets. Cull ewes have also seen some sizeable price increases. Heavy fleshed ewes are making up to €145/hd in sales with €140 more common for good ewes with flesh. Smaller framed ewes are moving at €120 to €130/hd.