Northern Ireland
Early surge in buying demand for straw
Kieran Mailey
With harvest underway, there has been an early surge in buying demand for straw across NI
24 July 2024 News
Wet weather hits harvest in some areas of the country
Heavy rain showers are stopping work in the fields where many winter barley crops are ready to be cut, but some farmers have been able to stay cutting.
20 July 2024 News
20% of Waterford tillage farmer’s profits ‘wiped out’ by straw scheme suspension
Pádraig Connery said the scrapping of the Straw Incorporation Measure represents a loss of one-fifth of his total farm income.
Tillage Management: harvest, safety and value of straw
Wet weather is delaying the start of the harvest for many. Be prepared for when it does start and make safety a priority.
17 July 2024 Husbandry
Grain harvest kicks off with winter barley
Pockets of Northern Ireland saw combines rolling early this week as the 2024 grain harvest got under way.
17 July 2024 Northern Ireland
Farmers chop straw as scheme is pulled
The news that the Straw Incorporation Measure may be pulled came as a shock to tillage farmers this week, especially those chopping straw.
17 July 2024 News
Harvest off to a slow start in showery weather
Some farmers have started to harvest winter barley crops, but it is very early to get a good handle on crop yields.
16 July 2024 News
More virus resistance and tolerance in winter barley
New winter barley varieties nearly have to carry protection against barley yellow dwarf virus as well as high yield and good grain quality.
13 July 2024 Varieties
Home Farm: beef weakens and first steps for harvest
Hopefully the bulk of the winter barley will meet the specifications without any pre-harvest treatment.
10 July 2024 Viewpoints
Farmers turn out for farm walk in Co Waterford
Over 80 farmers attended the Irish Farmers Journal's Footprint Farmers walk hosted by Pádraig Connery in Clashmore, Co Waterford.
26 June 2024 Footprint Farmers
Virus infection probably not as bad as it seems
Yellow leaves in spring cereals are frustrating farmers, but more solutions might be on the way to prevent barley yellow dwarf virus.
23 June 2024 News
Crops and field margins in Waterford
Pádraig Connery is aiming to improve the three pillars of sustainability – economic, environmental and social – on his farm in Clashmore, Co Waterford.
29 May 2024 News