With direct payments due to begin this month, IFA deputy president Richard Kennedy is insisting that there are no delays in the payment of more than €1.6bn to farmers in this difficult year.

At a meeting with the Department of Agriculture, Richard Kennedy said that the timelines outlined in the Charter of Rights must be rigidly observed. He said that ANC payments, which start in the week beginning 19 September, must have a higher payout rate than last year.

In relation to the BPS, the Department has confirmed to the IFA that the advance payment of 70% will start on Monday 17 October.

The IFA secured the increased advance, which is in recognition of the very difficult income position on farms in 2016. The IFA expects the speed of payment this year to better last year as the new system is now well bedded down and will be insisting that inspection cases do not hold up payments.

Richard Kennedy said that full year GLAS payments worth €167m must be paid out from October. The IFA has been informed that payments will be made in two phases – 85% followed shortly after by the remaining 15%.


On the ANC review, the IFA insisted that all factors be taken into account, not just natural handicap criteria.

Richard Kennedy said the income position of farmers must be a factor and that the minister must protect existing areas and pitch payments levels that recognise the various difficult land types.