Starting in 2016, the GLAS Traditional Farm Building Grant Scheme focused on the conservation and restoration of traditional farm buildings and other related structures.

With GLAS now complete, the Department of Agriculture has opened the grant to a wider range of farmers, although competition for it is extremely high.

Martin Merrick highlights some of the eligible buildings, the criteria and the application process on applying.

Who is eligible to apply?

This grant is only available to farmers participating in an eligible eco scheme. Active agri-environment scheme participants including those in ACRES, those in European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Calls 1, 2 and 3, in the Hen Harrier and Pearl Mussel Projects and Burren Programme and approved participants in the Organic Farming Scheme are also eligible to receive grant aid.

Farmers who applied for the GLAS Traditional Farm Buildings Scheme are eligible for further grant aid. Competition for the scheme is high, with 70-80 projects (about 20% of applications) approved each year.

What items are eligible?

Traditional farm buildings constructed before 1960 for a use associated with agriculture and built using traditional methods and materials of the time such as timber, brick, stone, earth, slate or thatch and which were, or still are, used for an agricultural purpose are eligible for grant aid. Other traditional buildings not built for an agricultural purpose where it is clearly demonstrated they are in long-established active agricultural use may also be eligible.

In general, buildings that have lost significant features such as a roof, or are in general poor repair, will not be eligible, although this will be viewed on a case-by-case basis by the Heritage Council, which takes responsibility for the processing of grants under the scheme. Strong evidence such as old photographs of the intact building, will be required in these cases. Other related traditional farm structures, such as historic yard surfaces and landscape features around the farmyard – walls, farm gates and piers, millraces etc – may be eligible for grant aid.

Some of the main associated works that are grant-eligible are:

  • Repair of a slate, thatch or small-scale corrugated iron roof including structure.
  • Re-pointing of stone walls in earth or lime mortar.
  • Re-plastering of stone walls in lime plaster.
  • Repair of stone and earthen walls, or parts of walls.
  • Structural repairs to prevent walls leaning over/ensure structural stability.
  • Repair or re-instatement of timber doors or windows where necessary.
  • Repair or renewal of lintels.
  • Repair of loft where it is required to ensure structural stability.
  • Ineligible items include farmhouses or dwelling houses, buildings that traditionally were used for agriculture but have now been converted for other purposes, or will be converted in the next five years, ruined building and buildings built after 1960.

    How much of a grant will I receive?

    Grant aid will paid on all approved works, with a minimum of €4,000 and a maximum of €30,000 paid to applicants. The maximum grant percentage is set at 75%, although this is dependent on the work being carried out and will not be the rate paid for all projects. Grant rates are for investments minus the VAT rate, irrespective of the participant being VAT registered or not.

    The grant is to be used for essential works only, focusing on the structural stability of the building. As much of the original building materials (roof timbers, slates etc) as possible should be carefully salvaged and reused.

    How do I apply?

    Applications opened on 24 March and will close on 24 April 2023 at 5pm. Applications must be made online at funding-schemes. The process takes between one and four hours to complete. An application form, found at the above web address, should be completed and submitted, as well as the following supporting documentation.

  • A location map so that we could get to your building/other related structure from a regional road.
  • Clear current photograph(s) of the exterior.
  • Clear current photograph(s) of the interior (if applying for building).
  • Clear current photograph(s) of any parts in need of repair.
  • Clear current photograph(s) of building or other related structure in its wider surroundings in the countryside.
  • Clear current photograph(s) of public view (if answer to question on application is yes).
  • A quotation, or cost breakdown, detailing materials and costs (you must upload copies of quotations, estimates or other evidence to support the figures and costs you provide in the budget table of the online application form.
  • Consent of owner (as appropriate).