Some 51% of respondents to an Irish Farmers Journal survey said they intend to increase winter cropping area.

Over 85% will increase area by 20% or less, while 78% will decrease by the same percentage.

However, winter barley area looks set to take a hit with 52% of growers stating they intend to decrease their winter barley area, while 17% plan to increase the area.

The survey, which had 158 respondents, takes in 13,799ha of winter crops and shows a clear move to oilseed rape. Some 23% of those surveyed increased their area of winter oilseed rape this year, while the area to be sown to beans also looks set to rise on about 20% of those farms.

Approximately 7% of farms will decrease OSR and beans area. On balance, spring barley area is set to increase on 8% of farms.

Planting progress

However, wet weather has now halted winter cereal planting in fields in most parts of the country and unsettled weather is making planting increasingly difficult.

The survey, carried out earlier this week, showed that 51% of respondents had planted 81% to 100% of their intended winter crop area, while a further 18% of growers had between 61% and 80% of winter crops planted. However, 18% of those surveyed still had no winter crops sown.