IFA dairy chair Stephen Arthur told the 600 farmers at a nitrates derogation rally in Kilkenny on Friday evening that the association will organise a larger protest in Dublin if their demands are not met.

“Another two hours and we’re in Dublin. We won’t stop in Kilkenny the next day. We’ll keep heading to Dublin and we’ll stand outside the Dáil to tell the Minister he better start listening to us,” Arthur roared to a riled-up crowd.

IFA Kilkenny chair Jim Mulhall led the ‘Farmers’ Futures Matter’ rally at Cillín Hill, which saw approximately 600 farmers follow 50 tractors in a lap around the mart before speeches at a central stage.

Government is 'not listening'

Mulhall said derogation changes have the “potential to cause huge issues to us as farmers and to productive farmers”.

Arthur, who joined Mulhall on stage, warned that a reduction in maximum stocking rates would leave dairy farmers “fighting for land” and insisted the Government is not listening.

Two young farmers with a clear message at last Friday’s IFA rally in Kilkenny. \ IFA

“Economics has to be a part of this plan going forward. If this whole action goes through, it’s going to decimate dairying,” he added.

IFA president Tim Cullinan said Minister Charlie McConalogue is “our man that will be around the table with the Commission to ensure that we can maintain this derogation going forward” and called on him to make “every effort” to do so.

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Watch: derogation change angers farmers at Kilkenny IFA protest