The Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue has announced details of the new €1.2m Protein-Cereal Mix Crop Scheme, with the growing of seed mixes containing 50% or more of eligible legumes to receive €150/ha.
Beans, peas and lupins are the protein crops eligible for the legume element of seed mixes while the eligible cereals announced are wheat, oats, barley, rye and triticale.
A minimum payment of €300/hectare will still be paid for beans, peas and lupins under the Protein Aid Scheme.
Those wishing to apply for the Protein-Cereal Mix Crop Aid Scheme, Protein Aid Scheme or the Tillage Incentive Scheme should declare eligible crops on their 2022 BPS application before the deadline of 16 May.
“A budget of €1.2m is available for the Protein-Cereal Mix Crop Scheme and to guarantee a payment of €300/ha for the protein crops under the EU Protein Aid Scheme,” said Minister McConalogue.
“The payment rate for the protein-cereal mix crop will be €150/ha. These payments reflect a contribution towards the increase in the cost of growing crops in 2022,” he explained.
Tillage Incentive Scheme
Minister McConalogue also reminded farmers that the Tillage Incentive Scheme is open for eligible farmers.
“The Tillage Incentive Scheme is a new scheme introduced as part of our response to the cost increases currently facing Irish farmers,” he said.
“The scheme terms and conditions have now been updated to clarify the treatment of protein crops, to address queries relating to land not declared in 2021 and to provide specific references to the Agricultural Appeals Office and the EU Temporary Crisis Framework,” the minister concluded.
Under the Temporary Crisis Framework, overall aid shall not exceed €35,000 per undertaking.