Tillage podcast: straw turnaround analysis and reaction
Siobhán Walsh
This week's podcast is all about straw as the Minister turns around on his decision to chop the straw scheme.
25 July 2024 News
Farmers can now access N and P statements up to June
The interim statements have been calculated off existing excretion figures and not the ones proposed by the Department of Agriculture earlier this year.
25 July 2024 News
Straw scheme U-turn and new €175/ha baling payment
An agreement has been reached between the farm organisations and the Minister for Agriculture on straw incorporation.
Payment of €300/cow needed – UCD economist
At the Tullamore Farm National Suckler and Sheep Open Day, professor Michael Wallace said supports for sucker cows need to reach €300 a head to sustain these farms.
24 July 2024 News
Tensions high as straw row escalates
Tillage farmers are furious over the lack of clarity surrounding the Straw Incorporation Measure (SIM).
24 July 2024 News
Minister wants 'quality straw' baled
This is a change from the Minister on the Straw Incorporation Measure which he sought to suspend last week.
24 July 2024 News
Local factories to transfer to Department control
The move will optimise the use of resources deployed to food safety and veterinary controls, the Minister for Agriculture has said.
24 July 2024 News
Calls for Budget 2025 action after 57% fall in farm incomes
Farm groups have been keen to highlight the results of Teagasc's National Farm Survey to Government ahead of Budget 2025.
24 July 2024 News
Minister refuses to reverse straw scheme suspension
The IFA and the IGGG met with the Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue in Agriculture House in Dublin this morning to discuss the Straw Incorporation Measure.
23 July 2024 News
Tillage farmer views: straw not the solution for fodder shortages
Tillage farmers have been writing to politicians and to the Irish Farmers Journal to share their views on the minister’s treatment of the Straw Incorporation Measure.
22 July 2024 News
Timeline: updates on minister's changes to the straw measure
Here is a rundown on all the major moments since the minister announced that he was seeking to suspend the Straw Incorporation Measure.
21 July 2024 News
Farmers may receive payment for baling straw - minister
The minister intends to discuss a new option with farm organisations when he meets them on Tuesday about the Straw Incorporation Measure.
20 July 2024 News