NFU Scotland has issued a desperate plea to the Scottish Government to plug the critical funding gap faced by farmers and crofters in Scotland’s less favoured areas. Unless the Scottish Government comes forward with plans as promised, the Less Favoured Areas Support Scheme (LFASS) £65m budget will fall by 20% in 2019, before a further 60% slice is taken in 2020.

Industry fears over the dramatic reduction in scheme support were temporarily allayed when the Scottish Government stated in January their intention to “effectively reinstate funding levels to 100% of LFASS”.

It is our priority to provide people in rural businesses with as much financial stability as possible

In a letter to Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy Fergus Ewing, the union pressed home the need for that to be confirmed urgently.

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “It is our priority to provide people in rural businesses with as much financial stability as possible. The Rural Economy Secretary is aware of the importance of LFASS funding in Scotland, which is why we are the only part of the UK to offer this support.


“We urge the UK Government to honour promises made during the 2016 EU referendum and replace lost EU funding, providing a fair share to Scotland following the intra-UK funding allocation and ensuring the £160m in convergence funding is returned to the Scottish farmers and crofters for whom the funding was intended.”

NFU Scotland president Andrew McCornick said: “At a time when political noise drowns out practical need, those farming and crofting Scotland’s more disadvantaged land need certainty and support.