UK - Australian exports on the rise

Australia’s sheepmeat exports to the UK for the year to the end of July are 6,264t – some 1,277t or 26% higher than the previous year.

Egypt - more Russian grain purchased

Egypt’s Gasc bought a further 235,000t of Russian wheat this week in addition to the 260,000t of mainly Russian wheat they bought last week (CRM Agri).

Paraguay - upping the ante on Mercosur

Paraguay’s incoming president Santiago Pena is reported by Reuters as saying that the approach from the EU is simply unacceptable on environmental additions to the Mercosur agreement and questioned if the EU had a “genuine interest” in a trade deal with Mercosur.

Vietnam - ASF vaccine approval

Vietnam has approved two African swine fever (ASF) vaccines, the first commercial vaccines designed to tackle the pig disease (World beef report).