Good Sitka spruce forestry for sale
Paul Mooney
The asking price is €200,000 which works out at an average €5,128/ac.
23 July 2024 News
Kenny returns to agriculture for Sinn Féin
The Sligo-Leitrim TD will succeed Claire Kerrane as Sinn Féin Agriculture and Rural Affairs spokesperson, the fourth person to fill the role since the last general election.
22 July 2024 News
Curlews bred in Fota to be released in Leitrim
Jim Flynn, a sheep and suckler farmer from Drumshanbo, said being part of project to preserve curlews in the area 'means a lot to him'.
The Creamery reimagined in Co Leitrim
One multigenerational Leitrim farm family are using their complementary skillsets to create a very special rural enterprise, writes Brendan Dunford.
10 July 2024 Footprint Farmers
Camera at the Mart: finished lambs in demand in Carrigallen
Adam Woods reports from Monday night’s sheep sale in Carrigallen Mart, Co Leitrim.
3 July 2024 Markets
Farmer confidence in ACRES is broken
An IFA meeting in Leitrim on Tuesday heard farmer frustration boil over, as it could take all year before the Department catches up on the backlogs affecting ACRES.
26 June 2024 News
ACRES farmers are being used ‘as Mickey Mouse pawns’
Adam Woods reports from a meeting organised by Leitrim IFA in Drumshanbo mart to address the current issues with the ACRES scheme
26 June 2024 News
Top shelf finish for Antfield Whiskey in Carrick
Shanon Kinahan has the top prices from the final Midland and Western Livestock Improvement Society sale
12 June 2024 Pedigree
Farmer Writes: cattle never fail to surprise me
Regardless of how many years’ experience I have with cattle, they still never fail to surprise me at times, writes Karen McCabe.
5 June 2024 Farmer Writes
Over 100 cattle stolen so far in 2024
Mayo was the county where the largest number of cattle were stolen.
22 May 2024 News
Tyson takes top price in Carrick
Adam Woods reports from last Saturday’s sale of continental bulls and heifers in Carrick on Shannon
15 May 2024 Pedigree
Walter and Warrior hit €5,000 in Carrick
Adam Woods reports from the Midland and Western Livestock Improvement Society’s pedigree sale at the weekend.
8 May 2024 Pedigree