Young farmer scheme payments in the next CAP will start off at an average of €196/ha in 2023, but this will fall to €161/ha by 2027.

Depending on the number of applications per year, however, the absolute maximum payment per year will be €220/ha and the minimum payment will be €145/ha.

The maximum area which can be claimed on will be 50ha and young farmers must be aged no more than 40 at any time in the year when they first submit an application to the scheme.

In its CAP strategic plan, the Department of Agriculture has said that the drop in the payment rate is based on the estimated number of young farmers in 2023 and an increase in young farmer numbers by 2027.

A total of €178m has been assigned for the young farmer scheme, called the Complementary Income Support for Young Farmers, between 2023 and 2027.

According to the CAP strategic plan, the National Reserve will also provide an allocation of payment entitlements to young farmers, or new entrants to farming at the national average value, or top up lower value entitlements to the average.