The Irish Salers Cattle Society will have a full tent of cattle on display at this year’s National Ploughing Championships.

Salers cattle are known for easy calving, milk, fertility, calving ability and the ability to cross well with a large number of cattle breeds.

In particular, Salers cross very well with Charolais to produce top-quality golden weanlings.

Salers are also a great choice for easy calving on continental heifers and cows and to breed excellent replacement females.

The Irish Salers Cattle Society will have a large display of both purebred and crossbred Salers cattle on display.

Show toppers from the summer shows will also be in attendance. There will be a stockjudging competition of a pen of Salers heifers in the tent daily where everyone is welcome to give their verdict.

The society is also running a raffle for a top-quality pedigree Salers heifer. The heifer will be on display in the tent.

BullBank AI will be available to discuss sire options for the breeding season.

New Salers merchandise from Farm Wardrobe will be for sale on the stand.

Hats, travel mugs, shirts and other items will be freely available.

If you are interested in learning what Salers cattle can offer your breeding programme, feel free to call in to speak to a member of the Salers team.